The state board of cosmetology shall issue a license to operate a school of cosmetology to an applicant who pays the applicable fee and satisfies all of the following requirements:
(A) Maintains a course of practical training and technical instruction for the branch or branches of cosmetology to be taught at the school equal to the requirements for admission to an examination under section 4713.24 of the Revised Code that a person must pass to obtain a license to practice that branch or those branches of cosmetology;
(B) Possesses or makes available apparatus and equipment sufficient for the ready and full teaching of all subjects of the curriculum;
(C) Maintains persons licensed under section 4713.31 or 4713.34 of the Revised Code to teach the theory and practice of the branches of cosmetology;
(D) Notifies the board of the enrollment of each new student, keeps a record devoted to the different practices, establishes grades, and holds examinations in order to certify the students’ completion of the prescribed course of study before the issuance of certificates of completion;
(E) In the case of a school of cosmetology that offers clock hours for the purpose of satisfying minimum hours of training and instruction, keeps a daily record of the attendance of each student;
(F) On the date that an apprentice cosmetology instructor begins cosmetology instructor training at the school, certifies the name of the apprentice cosmetology instructor to the board along with the date on which the apprentice’s instructor training began;
(G) Instructs not more than six apprentice cosmetology instructors at any one time;
(H) Files with the board a good and sufficient surety bond executed by the person, firm, or corporation operating the school of cosmetology as principal and by a surety company as surety in the amount of ten thousand dollars; provided, that this requirement does not apply to a vocational program conducted by a city, exempted village, local, or joint vocational school district. The bond shall be in the form prescribed by the board and be conditioned upon the school’s continued instruction in the theory and practice of the branches of cosmetology. Every bond shall continue in effect until notice of its termination is given to the board by registered mail and every bond shall so provide.
Effective Date: 04-07-2003