(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, on payment of the renewal fee and submission of proof satisfactory to the state board of cosmetology that any applicable continuing education requirements have been completed, a person currently licensed as:
(1) A cosmetology instructor who has previously been licensed as a cosmetologist or a managing cosmetologist, is entitled to the reissuance of a cosmetologist or managing cosmetologist license;
(2) An esthetics instructor who has previously been licensed as an esthetician or a managing esthetician, is entitled to the reissuance of an esthetician or managing esthetician license;
(3) A hair design instructor who has previously been licensed as a hair designer or a managing hair designer, is entitled to the reissuance of a hair designer or managing hair designer license;
(4) A manicurist instructor who has previously been licensed as a manicurist or a managing manicurist, is entitled to the reissuance of a manicurist or managing manicurist license;
(5) A natural hair style instructor who has previously been licensed as a natural hair stylist or a managing natural hair stylist, is entitled to the reissuance of a natural hair stylist or managing natural hair stylist license.
(B) No person is entitled to the reissuance of a license under division (A) of this section if the license was revoked or suspended or the person has an outstanding unpaid fine levied under section 4713.64 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 04-07-2003