(A) There is hereby created the medication aide advisory council. The council shall consist of the following members:
(1) A registered nurse working in long-term care, appointed by the governing body of the Ohio nurses association;
(2) A licensed practical nurse working in long-term care, appointed by the governing body of the licensed practical nurse association of Ohio;
(3) A registered nurse with experience in researching gerontology issues, appointed by the governing body of the Ohio nurses association;
(4) An advanced practice nurse with experience in gerontology, appointed by the governing body of the Ohio association of advanced practice nurses;
(5) A representative of the Ohio health care association, appointed by the governing body of the association;
(6) A representative of the association of Ohio philanthropic homes, housing, and services for the aging, appointed by the governing body of the association;
(7) A representative of the Ohio academy of nursing homes, appointed by the governing body of the academy;
(8) A representative of the Ohio assisted living association, appointed by the governing body of the association;
(9) A representative of the Ohio association of long-term care ombudsmen, appointed by the governing body of the association;
(10) A representative of the American association of retired persons, appointed by the governing body of the association;
(11) A representative of facility residents and families of facility residents, appointed by the board of nursing;
(12) A representative of the senior care pharmacy alliance, appointed by the governing body of the alliance;
(13) A representative of nurse aides, as defined in section 3721.21 of the Revised Code, appointed by the director of health;
(14) A representative of the department of health with expertise in competency evaluation programs, as defined in section 3721.21 of the Revised Code, appointed by the director of health;
(15) A representative of the office of the state long-term care ombudsperson program, appointed by the state long-term care ombudsperson;
(16) A representative of the department of job and family services, appointed by the director of job and family services.
(B) Members of the council shall serve at the pleasure of their appointing authorities. Vacancies shall be filled in the manner provided for original appointments.
(C) Members shall receive no compensation for their service on the council, except to the extent that serving on the council is part of their regular duties of employment.
(D) The board of nursing shall appoint one of its members or a representative of the board to serve as the council’s chairperson.
Effective Date: 06-30-2005