Examinations required by section 4736.08 of the Revised Code shall be conducted not less than once each calendar year at such times and places as the state board of sanitarian registration prescribes. Such examinations shall be written and shall include applicable subjects in the field of environmental health science and such other subjects as the board may prescribe. The examination shall be objective and practical. Any examination papers shall not disclose the name of the applicant, but shall be identified by a number assigned by the secretary of the board. The preparation of the examination shall be the responsibility of the board; however, the board may use material prepared by recognized examination agencies. No person shall be registered if he fails to meet the minimum grade requirements for the examination specified by the board. An applicant who fails to meet such minimum grade requirements in his first examination may be reexamined at any time and place specified by the board, upon resubmission of his application and payment of the fee prescribed in section 4736.12 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 08-15-1977