The state board of sanitarian registration shall issue a certificate of registration to any applicant whom it registers as a sanitarian or a sanitarian-in-training. Such certificate shall bear:
(A) The name of the person;
(B) The date of issue;
(C) A serial number, designated by the board;
(D) The seal of the board and signature of the chairperson of the board;
(E) The designation “registered sanitarian” or “sanitarian-in-training.”
Certificates of registration shall expire annually on the date fixed by the board and become invalid on that date unless renewed pursuant to this section. All registered sanitarians shall be required annually to complete a continuing education program in subjects relating to practices of the profession as a sanitarian to the end that the utilization and application of new techniques, scientific advancements, and research findings will assure comprehensive service to the public. The board shall prescribe by rule a continuing education program for registered sanitarians to meet this requirement. The length of study for this program shall be determined by the board but shall be not less than six nor more than twenty-five hours during the calendar year. At least once annually the board shall provide to each registered sanitarian a list of courses approved by the board as satisfying the program prescribed by rule. Upon the request of a registered sanitarian, the secretary shall supply a list of applicable courses that the board has approved . A certificate may be renewed for a period of one year at any time prior to the date of expiration upon payment of the renewal fee prescribed by section 4736.12 of the Revised Code and upon showing proof of having complied with the continuing education requirements of this section. The state board of sanitarian registration may waive the continuing education requirement in cases of certified illness or disability which prevents the attendance at any qualified educational seminars during the twelve months immediately preceding the annual certificate of registration renewal date. Certificates which expire may be reinstated under rules adopted by the board.
Effective Date: 07-20-1987; 10-01-2005