(A) Each section of the Ohio construction industry licensing board, other than the administrative section, shall do all of the following:
(1) Adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that are limited to the following:
(a) Criteria for the section to use in evaluating the qualifications of an individual;
(b) Criteria for the section to use in deciding whether to authorize the administrative section to issue, renew, suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or renew a license;
(c) The determinations and approvals the section makes under the reciprocity provision of section 4740.08 of the Revised Code;
(d) Criteria for continuing education courses conducted pursuant to this chapter;
(e) A requirement that persons seeking approval to provide continuing education courses submit the required information to the appropriate section of the board at least thirty days, but not more than one year, prior to the date on which the course is proposed to be offered;
(f) A prohibition against any person providing a continuing education course unless the administrative section of the board approved that person not more than one year prior to the date the course is offered.
(2) Investigate allegations in reference to violations of this chapter and the rules adopted pursuant to it that pertain to the section and determine by rule a procedure to conduct investigations and hearings on these allegations;
(3) Maintain a record of its proceedings;
(4) Grant approval to a person to offer continuing education courses pursuant to rules the board adopts;
(5) As required, do all things necessary to carry out this chapter.
(B) In accordance with rules they establish, the trade sections of the board shall authorize the administrative section to issue, renew, suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or renew licenses for the classes of contractors for which each has primary responsibility as set forth in section 4740.02 of the Revised Code.
(C) Each trade section of the board shall establish or approve a continuing education curriculum for license renewal for each class of contractors for which the section has primary responsibility. No curriculum may require more than five hours per year in specific course requirements. No contractor may be required to take more than ten hours per year in continuing education courses. The ten hours shall be the aggregate of hours of continuing education for all licenses the contractor holds.
Effective Date: 09-18-2001; 09-16-2004; 03-30-2007