Whenever an applicant for a license to practice veterinary medicine passes the examination specified in section 4741.09 of the Revised Code, and has graduated from a veterinary college approved by the state veterinary medical licensing board or accredited by the American veterinary medical association or has been issued a certificate on or after May 1, 1987, by the education commission for foreign veterinary graduates of the American veterinary medical association, and is not in violation of this chapter, the board shall issue a certificate of license to that effect, signed by the members and bearing the seal of the board. The certificate shall show that the successful applicant has qualified under the laws of this state and the requirements of the board and that the applicant is duly licensed and qualified to practice veterinary medicine. Upon request, the board shall furnish to an applicant for a license who fails to pass the examination a written report showing reasons for the applicant’s failure in the examination.
Effective Date: 03-02-1992; 10-12-2006