The hearing aid dealers and fitters licensing board shall meet annually to elect a chairman and a vice-chairman, who shall act as chairman in the absence of the chairman. A majority of the board constitutes a quorum. The board shall meet when called by the chairman. The board shall:
(A) Adopt rules for the transaction of its business;
(B) Design and prepare qualifying examinations for licensing of hearing aid dealers, fitters, and trainees;
(C) Determine whether persons holding similar valid licenses from other states or jurisdictions shall be required to take and successfully pass the appropriate qualifying examination as a condition for licensing in this state;
(D) Determine whether charges made against any licensee warrant a hearing before the board;
(E) Hold hearings to determine the truth and circumstances of all charges filed in writing with the board against any licensee and determine whether any license held by any person shall be revoked, suspended, or reissued;
(F) Determine and specify the length of time each license that is suspended or revoked shall remain suspended or revoked;
(G) Advise and assist the department of health in all matters relating to this chapter;
(H) Deposit all payments collected under this chapter into the general operations fund created under section 3701.83 of the Revised Code to be used in administering and enforcing this chapter. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as granting to the hearing aid dealers and fitters licensing board the right to restrict advertising which is not false or misleading, or to prohibit or in any way restrict a hearing aid dealer or fitter from renting or leasing space from any person, firm or corporation in a mercantile establishment for the purpose of using such space for the lawful sale of hearing aids or to prohibit a mercantile establishment from selling hearing aids if the sale would be otherwise lawful under this chapter.
Effective Date: 07-01-1993