(A) Each person engaged in the practice of dealing in or fitting of hearing aids who holds a valid hearing aid dealer’s or fitter’s license shall apply annually to the hearing aid dealers and fitters licensing board for renewal of such license under the standard renewal procedure specified in Chapter 4745. of the Revised Code. The board shall issue to each applicant, on proof of completion of the continuing education required by division (B) of this section and payment of one hundred fifty-seven dollars on or before the first day of February, one hundred eighty-three dollars on or before the first day of March, or two hundred ten dollars thereafter, a renewed hearing aid dealer’s or fitter’s license. No person who applies for renewal of a hearing aid dealer’s or fitter’s license that has expired shall be required to take any examination as a condition of renewal provided application for renewal is made within two years of the date such license expired.
(B) Each person engaged in the practice of dealing in or fitting of hearing aids who holds a valid hearing aid dealer’s or fitter’s license shall complete each year not less than ten hours of continuing professional education approved by the board. On a form provided by the board, the person shall certify to the board, at the time of license renewal pursuant to division (A) of this section, that in the preceding year the person has completed continuing education in compliance with this division and shall submit any additional information required by rule of the board regarding the continuing education. The board shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code establishing the standards continuing education programs must meet to obtain board approval and continuing education reporting requirements. Continuing education may be applied to meet the requirement of this division if it is provided or certified by any of the following:
(1) The national institute of hearing instruments studies committee of the international hearing society;
(2) The American speech-language hearing association;
(3) The American academy of audiology. The board may excuse persons licensed under this chapter, as a group or as individuals, from all or any part of the requirements of this division because of an unusual circumstance, emergency, or special hardship.
Effective Date: 06-26-2003