(A) No person shall operate a nursing home unless it is under the supervision of an administrator whose principal occupation is nursing home administration or hospital administration and who holds a valid nursing home administrator’s license and registration, or a temporary license, issued pursuant to Chapter 4751. of the Revised Code.
(B) No person other than a licensed and registered nursing home administrator or person holding a temporary license as required by Chapter 4751. of the Revised Code shall practice or offer to practice nursing home administration in this state. All nursing home administrators and temporary licensees shall comply with Chapter 4751. of the Revised Code and the regulations adopted thereunder.
(C) Every operator of a nursing home shall report to the board of examiners of nursing home administrators the name and license number of each nursing home administrator for said home within ten days after the operator engages a nursing home administrator, and within ten days after a nursing home administrator is no longer engaged as such by such operator for said home.
(D) Each individual who holds a nursing home administrator license or temporary license shall report his residence mailing address and the name and address of each place of employment to the board within ten days after any change.
Effective Date: 08-30-1973