(A) The board of examiners of nursing home administrators shall:
(1) Develop, adopt, impose, and enforce regulations prescribing standards which must be met by individuals in order to receive a license as a nursing home administrator, which standards shall be designed to ensure that nursing home administrators are of good character and are otherwise suitable, and who, by training and experience, are qualified to serve as nursing home administrators;
(2) Develop and apply appropriate techniques, including examinations and investigations, for determining whether an individual meets such standards;
(3) Issue licenses and registrations to individuals determined, after application of such techniques, to meet such standards, and revoke or suspend licenses or registrations previously issued by the board in any case where the individual holding such license or registration is determined to have failed substantially to conform to the requirements of such standards;
(4) Develop, adopt, impose, and enforce regulations and procedures designed to ensure that individuals holding a temporary license, or licensed as nursing home administrators will, during any period that they serve as such, comply with Chapter 4751. of the Revised Code and the regulations adopted thereunder;
(5) Receive, investigate, and take appropriate action with respect to any charge or complaint filed with the board to the effect that any individual licensed as a nursing home administrator has failed to comply with Chapter 4751. of the Revised Code and the regulations adopted thereunder;
(6) Take such other actions as may be necessary to enable the state to meet the requirements set forth in the “Social Security Amendments of 1967,” 81 Stat. 908 (1968), 42 U.S.C. 1396 g;
(7) Pay all license and registration fees collected under Chapter 4751. of the Revised Code into the general operations fund created by section 3701.83 of the Revised Code to be used in administering and enforcing this chapter and the rules adopted under it;
(8) Administer, or contract with a government or private entity to administer, examinations for licensure as a nursing home administrator. If the board contracts with a government or private entity to administer the examinations, the contract may authorize the entity to collect and keep, as all or part of the entity’s compensation under the contract, any fee an applicant for licensure pays to take an examination. The entity is not required to deposit the fee into the state treasury.
(B) In the administration and enforcement of Chapter 4751. of the Revised Code, and the regulations adopted thereunder, the board is subject to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code and sections 4743.01 and 4743.02 of the Revised Code except that a notice of appeal of an order of the board adopting, amending, or rescinding a rule or regulation does not operate as a stay of the effective date of such order as provided in section 119.11 of the Revised Code. The court, at its discretion, may grant a stay of any regulation in its application against the person filing the notice of appeal.
Effective Date: 09-14-2000