A license or certificate of registration issued under this chapter expires two years after it is issued and may be renewed in accordance with the standard renewal procedure established under Chapter 4745. of the Revised Code. Subject to section 4757.36 of the Revised Code, the staff of the appropriate professional standards committee of the counselor, social worker, and marriage and family therapist board shall, on behalf of each committee, issue a renewed license or certificate of registration to each applicant who has paid the renewal fee established by the board under section 4757.31 of the Revised Code and satisfied the continuing education requirements established by the board under section 4757.33 of the Revised Code. A license or certificate of registration that is not renewed lapses on its expiration date. A license or certificate of registration that has lapsed may be restored if the individual, not later than two years after the license or certificate expired, applies for restoration of the license or certificate. The staff of the appropriate professional standards committee shall issue a restored license or certificate of registration to the applicant if the applicant pays the renewal fee established under section 4757.31 of the Revised Code and satisfies the continuing education requirements established under section 4757.33 of the Revised Code for restoring the license or certificate of registration. The board and its professional standards committees shall not require a person to take an examination as a condition of having a lapsed license or certificate of registration restored.
Effective Date: 2002 HB374 04-07-2003