Division (A) of section 4758.02 of the Revised Code does not apply to any of the following:
(A) An individual who holds a valid license, registration, certificate, or credentials issued under another chapter of the Revised Code while performing services within the recognized scope, standards, and ethics of the individual’s profession;
(B) An individual who is a rabbi, priest, Christian Science practitioner, clergy, or member of a religious order and other individuals participating with them in pastoral counseling when the chemical dependency counseling activities are within the scope of the performance of their regular or specialized ministerial duties and are performed under the auspices or sponsorship of an established and legally cognizable church, denomination, or sect or an integrated auxiliary of a church as defined in paragraph (h) of 26 Code of Federal Regulations 1.6033-2 (2000) as amended, and the individual rendering the service remains accountable to the established authority of that church, denomination, sect, or integrated auxiliary;
(C) A student in an accredited educational institution while carrying out activities that are part of the student’s prescribed course of study if the activities are supervised as required by the educational institution and the student is not represented as an individual who holds a license or certificate issued under this chapter.
Effective Date: 12-23-2002