Of the initial appointees to the chemical dependency professionals board appointed by the governor under division (B) of section 4758.10 of the Revised Code, four shall be appointed for terms ending one year after the effective date of this section, four shall be appointed for terms ending two years after the effective date of this section, and four shall be appointed for terms ending three years after the effective date of this section. After the initial appointments, terms of office shall be three years, each term ending on the same day of the same month of the year as the term it succeeds. A voting member of the board shall hold office from the date of appointment until the end of the term for which the member was appointed. A voting member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the member’s predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the remainder of that term. A voting member shall continue in office after the expiration date of the member’s term until the member’s successor takes office or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first. Voting members may be reappointed, except that an individual who has held office for two consecutive full terms shall not be reappointed sooner than one year after the expiration of the second full term. The ex officio member of the board appointed by the director of alcohol and drug addiction services under division (C) of section 4758.10 of the Revised Code shall serve at the pleasure of the director.
Effective Date: 12-23-2002