(A) In rules adopted under section 4758.20 of the Revised Code, the chemical dependency professionals board shall establish codes of ethical practice and professional conduct for the following:
(1) Individuals who hold a valid independent chemical dependency counselor license, chemical dependency counselor III license, chemical dependency counselor II license, chemical dependency counselor I certificate, or chemical dependency counselor assistant certificate issued under this chapter;
(2) Individuals who hold a valid prevention specialist II certificate, prevention specialist I certificate, or registered applicant certificate issued under this chapter.
(B) The codes for individuals identified under division (A)(1) of this section shall define unprofessional conduct, which shall include engaging in a dual relationship with a client, former client, consumer, or former consumer; committing an act of sexual abuse, misconduct, or exploitation of a client, former client, consumer, or former consumer; and, except as permitted by law, violating client or consumer confidentiality.
(C) The codes for individuals identified under division (A)(1) of this section may be based on any codes of ethical practice and professional conduct developed by national associations or other organizations representing the interests of those involved in chemical dependency counseling. The codes for individuals identified under division (A)(2) of this section may be based on any codes of ethical practice and professional conduct developed by national associations or other organizations representing the interests of those involved in alcohol and other drug prevention services. The board may establish standards in the codes that are more stringent than those established by the national associations or other organizations.
Effective Date: 12-23-2002