(A) A first responder shall perform the emergency medical services described in this section in accordance with this chapter and any rules adopted under it.
(B) A first responder may provide limited emergency medical services to patients until the arrival of an emergency medical technician-basic, emergency medical technician-intermediate, or emergency medical technician-paramedic. In an emergency, a first responder may render emergency medical services such as opening and maintaining an airway, giving mouth to barrier ventilation, chest compressions, electrical interventions with automated defibrillators to support or correct the cardiac function and other methods determined by the board, controlling of hemorrhage, manual stabilization of fractures, bandaging, assisting in childbirth, and determining triage of trauma victims.
(C) A first responder may perform any other emergency medical services approved pursuant to rules adopted under section 4765.11 of the Revised Code. The board shall determine whether the nature of any such service requires that a first responder receive authorization prior to performing the service.
(D)(1) Except as provided in division (D)(2) of this section, if the board determines under division (C) of this section that a service requires prior authorization, the service shall be performed only pursuant to the written or verbal authorization of a physician or of the cooperating physician advisory board, or pursuant to an authorization transmitted through a direct communication device by a physician or registered nurse designated by a physician.
(2) If communications fail during an emergency situation or the required response time prohibits communication, a first responder may perform services subject to this division, if, in the judgment of the first responder, the life of the patient is in immediate danger. Services performed under these circumstances shall be performed in accordance with the written protocols for triage of adult and pediatric trauma victims established in rules adopted under sections 4765.11 and 4765.40 of the Revised Code and any applicable protocols adopted by the emergency medical service organization with which the first responder is affiliated.
Effective Date: 11-03-2000