The department of health shall notify the attorney general if any person fails to comply with a repayment order issued under division (C)(2) of section 4769.03 of the Revised Code. On receipt of the notice, the attorney general may, on behalf of the medicare beneficiary the person was ordered to repay, commence a civil action in the court of common pleas of Franklin county, the county in which the person resides, or the county in which the person’s principal place of business is located to obtain a judgment ordering the person to repay the amount specified in division (C)(2) of section 4769.03 of the Revised Code plus the interest specified in that division. If the court determines that the department made the finding that the person violated section 4769.02 of the Revised Code after complying with division (B) of section 4769.03 of the Revised Code, the court shall order the person to make the repayment. If any person fails to pay, by the deadline specified in section 4769.09 of the Revised Code, a monetary penalty imposed under division (C)(3) or (D) of section 4769.03 of the Revised Code or costs ordered to be paid pursuant to section 4769.08 of the Revised Code, the department shall certify the amount due to the attorney general in accordance with section 131.02 of the Revised Code, and the attorney general shall collect the penalty or costs in accordance with that section.
Effective Date: 11-24-1995