No athlete agent shall do any of the following:
(A) Provide false information or make false promises or representations concerning the employment of an athlete;
(B) Engage in any conduct that demonstrates bad faith or dishonesty in connection with the performance of services as an athlete agent;
(C) Commingle money or property of an athlete with the agent’s own money or property;
(D) Offer anything of value to a person in order to induce an athlete to enter into an agreement pursuant to which the athlete agent represents the interests of the athlete;
(E) Engage in reckless or intentional mismanagement or misconduct as an athlete agent where such conduct results in financial harm to an athlete or an educational institution or institution of higher education;
(F) Violate the rules of the athletic conference or collegiate athletic association governing an athlete or the educational institution or institution of higher education in which an athlete is enrolled when the violation may affect the eligibility of the athlete to participate in athletic competition or otherwise penalize the educational institution or institution of higher education;
(G) Aid or abet another in conduct that violates the rules of the athletic conference or collegiate athletic association governing an athlete or the educational institution or institution of higher education in which the athlete is enrolled, when the violation results in the ineligibility of the athlete to participate in athletic competition or otherwise penalizes the educational institution or institution of higher education;
(H) Make any contact with an athlete that is prohibited under this chapter, other state or federal law, or the rules of any athletic conference or collegiate athletic association;
(I) Post-date an agent or professional sports services contract;
(J) Loan or advance money to an athlete or the family or friends of an athlete in connection with the recruitment or solicitation of the athlete;
(K) Provide transportation, material goods, or any other services to an athlete, or family or friends of an athlete, in connection with the recruitment or solicitation of an athlete;
(L) Publish or cause to be published any false or misleading information or advertisements concerning the athlete agent, an athlete, or the provision of services by an athlete agent.
Effective Date: 03-22-2001