As used in this chapter:
(A) “Accommodative” means designed with the primary goal of conforming to the anatomy of a particular individual.
(B) “Full-time” means not less than one thousand six hundred hours per year.
(C) “Inlay” means any removable material on which the foot rests inside a shoe and that may be an integral design component of the shoe.
(D) “Orthotics” means the evaluation, measurement, design, fabrication, assembly, fitting, adjusting, servicing, or training in the use of an orthotic or pedorthic device, or the repair, replacement, adjustment, or service of an existing orthotic or pedorthic device. It does not include upper extremity adaptive equipment used to facilitate the activities of daily living, finger splints, wrist splints, prefabricated elastic or fabric abdominal supports with or without metal or plastic reinforcing stays and other prefabricated soft goods requiring minimal fitting, nontherapeutic accommodative inlays, shoes that are not manufactured or modified for a particular individual, prefabricated foot care products, durable medical equipment, dental appliances, pedorthic devices, or devices implanted into the body by a physician.
(E) “Orthotic device” means a custom fabricated or fitted medical device used to support, correct, or alleviate neuromuscular or musculoskeletal dysfunction, disease, injury, or deformity.
(F) “Pedorthics” means the evaluation, measurement, design, fabrication, assembly, fitting, adjusting, servicing, or training in the use of a pedorthic device, or the repair, replacement, adjustment, or servicing of a pedorthic device.
(G) “Pedorthics device” means a custom fabricated or fitted therapeutic shoe, shoe modification for therapeutic purposes, prosthetic filler of the forefoot, or foot orthosis for use from the apex of the medial malleolus and below. It does not include an arch support, a nontherapeutic accommodative inlay, nontherapeutic accommodative footwear, prefabricated footcare products, or unmodified, over-the-counter shoes.
(H) “Prosthetics” means the evaluation, measurement, design, fabrication, assembly, fitting, adjusting, servicing, or training in the use of a prosthesis or pedorthic device, or the repair, replacement, adjustment, or service of a prosthesis or pedorthic device.
(I) “Prosthesis” means a custom fabricated or fitted medical device used to replace a missing appendage or other external body part. It includes an artificial limb, hand, or foot, but does not include devices implanted into the body by a physician, artificial eyes, intraocular lenses, dental appliances, ostomy products, cosmetic devices such as breast prostheses, eyelashes, wigs, or other devices that do not have a significant impact on the musculoskeletal functions of the body.
Effective Date: 06-06-2001