(A) The board may, pursuant to an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code and by a vote of not fewer than four of its members, limit, revoke, or suspend a license issued under this chapter, refuse to issue a license to an applicant, or reprimand or place on probation a license holder for any of the following reasons:
(1) Conviction of, or a plea of guilty to, a misdemeanor or felony involving moral turpitude;
(2) Any violation of this chapter;
(3) Committing fraud, misrepresentation, or deception in applying for or securing a license issued under this chapter;
(4) Habitual use of drugs or intoxicants to the extent that it renders the person unfit to practice;
(5) Violation of any rule adopted by the board under section 4779.08 of the Revised Code;
(6) A departure from, or failure to conform to, minimal standards of care of similar orthotists, prosthetists, orthotists-prosthetists, or pedorthists under the same or similar circumstances, regardless of whether actual injury to a patient is established;
(7) Obtaining or attempting to obtain money or anything of value by fraudulent misrepresentation in the course of practice;
(8) Publishing a false, fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading statement;
(9) Waiving the payment of all or part of a deductible or copayment that a patient, pursuant to a health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan, would otherwise be required to pay, if the waiver is used as an enticement to a patient or group of patients to receive health care services from a person who holds a license issued under this chapter;
(10) Advertising that a person who holds a license issued under this chapter will waive the payment of all or part of a deductible or copayment that a patient, pursuant to a health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan, that covers the person’s services, would otherwise be required to pay.
(B) For the purpose of investigating whether a person is engaging or has engaged in conduct described in division (A) of this section, the board may administer oaths, order the taking of depositions, issue subpoenas, examine witnesses, and compel the attendance of witnesses and production of books, accounts, papers, records, documents, and testimony.
Effective Date: 10-27-2000