(A) No member of the manufactured homes commission may participate in any vote regarding a contract or license the commission awards if the member has a direct pecuniary or fiduciary interest in that contract or license.
(B) The commission shall meet at least three times each calendar year, upon the call of the chairperson or the written request of a majority of the members. The chairperson shall establish the time and place for each meeting. Five members constitute a quorum, and at least five votes are necessary for the commission to take action.
(C)(1) The commission shall elect a member as chairperson and a member as vice-chairperson, with each serving for one year.
(2) The chairperson shall preside at all meetings with the vice-chairperson presiding in the chairperson’s absence. At any time the chairperson and vice-chairperson are absent from a meeting when a quorum exists, the members present shall elect a presiding officer to act during the absence of the chairperson and vice-chairperson.
(D) Members of the commission receive no compensation for serving on the commission. Members are entitled to reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their official duties, including travel expenses.
(E) The commission may employ administrative staff, not in the classified civil service, including an executive director, to serve at the pleasure of the commission to carry out duties and functions the commission authorizes.
(F) Serving as a member of the manufactured homes commission does not constitute holding a public office or position of employment, and service on the commission is not grounds for removing a commission member from a public office or position of employment.
Effective Date: 08-06-2004