The legislative authority of any municipal corporation may, upon the filing of an application by any person, firm, or corporation, require of any public utility, by ordinance or otherwise, such additions or extensions to its distributing plant within such municipal corporation as the legislative authority deems reasonable and necessary in the interest of the public, and, subject to section 4951.06 of the Revised Code, such municipal corporation may designate the location and nature of all such additions and extensions, the time within which they must be completed, and all conditions under which they must be constructed and operated. Such requirements and orders of the legislative authority shall be subject to review by the public utilities commission, as provided in sections 4909.34 and 4909.39 of the Revised Code. The legislative authority and commission, in determining the practicability of such additions and extensions, shall take into consideration the supply of the product furnished by such public utility available, the returns upon the cost and expense of constructing such extensions, and the amount of revenue to be derived from such extensions, as well as the earning power of the public utility as a whole.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953