The public utilities commission may, upon complaint in writing by any person or on its own initiative, by order, require any two or more telephone companies whose lines or wires form a continuous line of communication, or could be made to form such a continuous line of communication by the construction and maintenance of suitable connections or the joint use of equipment, or by the transfer of messages at common points, between different localities which cannot be communicated with or reached by the lines of either company alone, where such service is not already established or provided for, unless public necessity requires additional service, to establish and maintain through lines within this state between two or more such localities. The joint rate or charges for such service shall be just and reasonable. The commission may establish such joint rate or charge, and declare the portion of it to which each company affected is entitled and the manner in which it shall be secured and paid. All necessary construction, maintenance, and equipment to establish such service shall be constructed and maintained in such manner and under such rules, with such division of expense and labor, as is required by the commission.
Repealed by 128th General Assembly File No. 43, SB 162, § 2, eff. 9/13/2010.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953