The public utilities commission shall initiate programs that will promote and encourage conservation of energy and a reduction in the growth rate of energy consumption, promote economic efficiencies, and take into account long-run incremental costs. Notwithstanding sections 4905.31, 4905.33, 4905.35, and 4909.151 of the Revised Code, the commission shall examine and issue written findings on the declining block rate structure, lifeline rates, long-run incremental pricing, peak load and off-peak pricing, time of day and seasonal pricing, interruptible load pricing, and single rate pricing where rates do not vary because of classification of customers or amount of usage. The commission, by a rule adopted no later than October 1, 1977, and effective and applicable no later than November 1, 1977, shall require each electric light company to offer to such of their residential customers whose residences are primarily heated by electricity the option of their usage being metered by a demand or load meter. Under the rule, a customer who selects such option may be required by the company, where no such meter is already installed, to pay for such meter and its installation. The rule shall require each company to bill such of its customers who select such option for those kilowatt hours in excess of a prescribed number of kilowatt hours per kilowatt of billing demand, at a rate per kilowatt hour that reflects the lower cost of providing service during off-peak periods.
Effective Date: 01-01-2001