The power siting board, in the discharge of its duties under Chapter 4906. of the Revised Code, may make joint investigations, hold joint hearings within or without the state, and issue joint or concurrent orders in conjunction or concurrence with any official or agency of any state or of the United States, whether in the holding of such investigations or hearings, or in the making of such orders, the board is functioning under agreements or compacts between states or under the concurrent power of states to regulate interstate commerce, or as an agency of the United States, or otherwise. The board, in the discharge of its duties under Chapter 4906. of the Revised Code, may negotiate and enter into agreements or compacts with agencies of other states, pursuant to any consent of congress, for cooperative efforts in certificating the construction, operation, and maintenance of major utility facilities in accord with the purposes of such sections and for the enforcement of the respective state laws regarding such facilities.
Effective Date: 11-15-1981