All gates, bells, or devices erected under the direction of the public utilities commission shall be built within the time, in the manner, and of materials approved by the commission. Such devices so authorized shall be located in the highway or street on one or both sides of the railroad tracks, as the commission deems the public safety requires. Such gates shall be so constructed that when closed they obstruct or prevent passage across such railroad from the side on which a gate is located. Such bell must be so constructed that it will ring before the approach of every train of cars or locomotive within three hundred feet or more of such crossing, and continue to ring until such train or locomotive has reached the crossing. A person shall be in charge of such gate who shall close it at the approach of each train or locomotive and keep it open at all other times. If an automatic bell or other mechanical device is required at such crossing, the railroad shall keep such bell or device in good working order. For every neglect of duty imposed by this section such railroad shall forfeit twenty-five dollars.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953