(A)(1) Except for those violations for which a forfeiture is provided in section 4905.83 of the Revised Code, whoever violates a provision of this chapter is liable to the state for a forfeiture of not more than ten thousand dollars for each day of each violation. The public utilities commission, after providing reasonable notice and the opportunity for a hearing in accordance with the procedural rules adopted under section 4901.13 of the Revised Code, shall assess, by order, a forfeiture upon a person who the commission determines, by a preponderance of the evidence, committed the violation. In determining the amount of the forfeiture for a violation discovered during a roadside inspection, the commission shall be consistent with the recommended fine or penalty schedule and recommended civil penalty procedure adopted by the commercial vehicle safety alliance, but shall not exceed one thousand dollars. In determining the amount of the forfeiture for a violation discovered during a compliance review of fixed facilities, the commission shall be consistent with the civil penalty guidelines adopted by the United States department of transportation’s federal highway administration, but shall not exceed ten thousand dollars. The attorney general, upon the written request of the commission, shall bring a civil action in the court of common pleas of Franklin county to collect a forfeiture assessed under this section. The commission shall account for the forfeitures collected under this section and pay them to the treasurer of state pursuant to section 4923.12 of the Revised Code.
(2) The attorney general, upon the written request of the commission, shall bring an action for injunctive relief in the court of common pleas of Franklin county against any person who has violated or is violating any order issued by the commission to secure compliance with a provision of this chapter. The court of common pleas of Franklin county has jurisdiction to and may grant preliminary and permanent injunctive relief upon a showing that the person against whom the action is brought has violated or is violating any order issued by the commission to secure compliance with this chapter. The court shall give precedence to such an action over all other cases.
(B) The amount of any forfeiture may be compromised at any time prior to collection of the forfeiture. The commission shall adopt rules governing the manner in which the amount of a forfeiture may be established by agreement prior to the hearing on the forfeiture before the commission.
(C) The proceedings of the commission specified in division (A) of this section are subject to and governed by Chapter 4903. of the Revised Code, except as otherwise specifically provided in this section. The court of appeals of Franklin county has exclusive, original jurisdiction to review, modify, or vacate an order of the commission issued to secure compliance with a provision of this chapter and an order issued under division (A)(1) of this section assessing a forfeiture. The court of appeals shall hear and determine those appeals in the same manner, and under the same standards, as the supreme court hears and determines appeals under Chapter 4903. of the Revised Code. The judgment of the court of appeals is final and conclusive unless reversed, vacated, or modified on appeal. Such appeals may be taken either by the commission or the person to whom the compliance order or forfeiture assessment was issued and shall proceed as in the case of appeals in civil actions as provided in the Rules of Appellate Procedure and Chapter 2505. of the Revised Code.
(D) Section 4903.11 of the Revised Code does not apply to an appeal of an order issued to secure compliance with this chapter or an order issued under division (A)(1) of this section assessing a forfeiture. Any person to whom any such order is issued who wishes to contest the compliance order, the fact of the violation, or the amount of the forfeiture shall file a notice of appeal, setting forth the order appealed from and the errors complained of, within sixty days after the entry of the order upon the journal of the commission. The notice of appeal shall be served, unless waived, upon the chairman of the commission or, in the event of his absence, upon any public utilities commissioner, or by leaving a copy at the office of the commission at Columbus. An order issued by the commission to secure compliance with a provision of this chapter or an order issued under division (A)(1) of this section assessing a forfeiture shall be reversed, vacated, or modified on appeal if, upon consideration of the record, the court is of the opinion that the order was unlawful or unreasonable.
Effective Date: 09-29-1995