As used in sections 4923.01 to 4923.17 of the Revised Code:
(A) “Private motor carrier” or “contract carrier by motor vehicle” includes every corporation, company, association, joint-stock association, person, firm, or copartnership, their lessees, legal or personal representatives, trustees, or receivers or trustees appointed by any court, not included in the definition under section 4921.02 of the Revised Code, when engaged in the business of private carriage of persons or property, or both, or of providing or furnishing such transportation service, for hire, in or by motor-propelled vehicles of any kind, including trailers, over any public highway in this state, but does not include any corporation, company, association, joint-stock association, person, firm, or copartnership, their lessees, legal or personal representatives, trustees, or receivers or trustees appointed by any court:
(1) Engaged or proposing to engage, directly or indirectly, as a private owner or operator of motor vehicles employed or used by a private motor carrier, or by a motor transportation company as defined in section 4921.02 of the Revised Code;
(2) Insofar as they are engaged in the not-for-hire transportation of persons in church buses as defined in section 4503.07 of the Revised Code or the transportation of property, or both, when either transportation is performed exclusively within the territorial limits of a municipal corporation or within such limits and the territorial limits of municipal corporations immediately contiguous to such municipal corporations;
(3) Engaged in the transportation of persons in taxicabs in the usual taxicab business;
(4) Engaged in the transportation of pupils in school busses operating to or from school sessions or school events;
(5) Engaged, as a motor transportation company holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity for the transportation of persons, in the carriage of persons in emergency or additional motor vehicles on charter party trips to or from any point within the county or counties in or through which such motor transportation company provides regular route scheduled service, provided that such use of such emergency or additional motor vehicle is reported and the tax paid as prescribed by the public utilities commission by general rule or temporary order;
(6) Engaged in the transportation of farm supplies to the farm or farm products from farm to market;
(7) Engaged in the operation of motor vehicles for contractors on public road work;
(8) Engaged in the transportation of newspapers;
(9) Engaged in the transportation of crude petroleum incidental to gathering from wells and delivery to destination by pipe line;
(10) Engaged in the towing of disabled or wrecked motor vehicles;
(11) Engaged in the transportation of injured, ill, or deceased persons by hearse or ambulance;
(12) Engaged in transportation of compost (a combination of manure and sand or shredded bark mulch) or shredded bark mulch;
(13) Engaged in the transportation of persons in a ridesharing arrangement when any fee charged each person so transported is in such amount as to recover only the person’s share of the costs of operating the motor vehicle for such purpose.
(B) “Motor vehicle” includes any automobile, automobile truck, tractor, trailer, semitrailer, motor bus, or any other self-propelled vehicle not operated or driven upon fixed rails or tracks.
(C) “Charter party trip” means the carriage of persons in one or more motor vehicles under a special contract for the exclusive use of each such vehicle for each trip, which contract shall not provide for continuing operations between the same termini, and which operation shall in no event become regular. The limitations of section 4921.18 and any other sections of the Revised Code as to the seating capacity of such emergency or additional motor vehicles operated by a motor transportation company do not apply to charter party trips.
(D) “Ridesharing arrangement” has the same meaning as in section 4921.02 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 09-01-2000