The public utilities commission may:
(A) Supervise and regulate each private motor carrier in this state;
(B) Prescribe reasonable safety rules;
(C) Prescribe safety rules applicable to the transportation and offering for transportation of hazardous materials in intrastate commerce within this state by a private motor carrier or a contract carrier by motor vehicle. The rules shall be consistent with, and equivalent in scope, coverage, and content to, the “Hazardous Materials Transportation Act,” 88 Stat. 2156 (1975), 49 U.S.C. 1801, as amended, and regulations adopted under it. No person shall violate a rule adopted under this division or an order of the commission issued to secure compliance with any such rule.
(D) Prescribe reasonable rules for the administration and enforcement of this chapter and Chapters 4901., 4903., 4905., 4907., 4909., and 4921. of the Revised Code applying to each such contract carrier by motor vehicle in this state;
(E) Require the filing of such annual and other reports as the commission prescribes;
(F) Supervise and regulate the operation of private motor carriers to the exclusion of all local authorities in this state except as provided in this section. In the exercise of the jurisdiction conferred upon it by those chapters, the commission may prescribe rules affecting private motor carriers, notwithstanding any ordinance, resolution, license, or permit enacted, adopted, or granted by any township, municipal corporation, municipal corporation and county, or county. In case of conflict between any such ordinance, resolution, license, or permit, the order or rule of the commission shall prevail. Local subdivisions may make reasonable local police rules within their respective boundaries not inconsistent with sections 4921.18, 4921.30, 4921.32, and 4923.02 to 4923.17 of the Revised Code. The commission has jurisdiction to receive, hear, and determine as a question of fact, upon complaint of any party or upon its own motion, and upon not less than fifteen days’ notice of the time and place of the hearing and the matter to be heard, whether any corporation, company, association, joint-stock association, person, firm, or copartnership, or their lessees, legal or personal representatives, trustees, or receivers or trustees appointed by any court, is engaged as a private motor carrier. The finding of the commission on such a question is a final order that may be reviewed as provided in section 4923.10 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 09-17-1991