The applicant for a permit to operate as a private motor carrier shall give notice of the filing of such application by publication in the form prescribed by the public utilities commission made once a week for three consecutive weeks prior to hearing or granting such application, in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county in which the principal place of business of the applicant is located, or in a newspaper of general circulation published at the county seat of Franklin county when no principal place of business of the applicant is located in this state. Such notice shall state that such application has been filed, the number and capacity of vehicles to be used, and the names and addresses of those for whom the applicant proposes to operate. The commission may permit the correction, amendment, modification, or alteration of any such application at or before its action on such application when, in its opinion, the original application and notice are in substantial compliance with the law. Otherwise, it may direct the filing of a new application or the giving of new notice, or both. The commission shall, after the filing of such application, fix a date for hearing upon it unless the commission deems such hearing unnecessary and the best interests of the public and others concerned require that said application be granted or rejected without such hearing.
Effective Date: 10-25-1961