(A)(1) On and after the starting date of competitive retail electric service, a competitive retail electric service supplied by an electric utility or electric services company shall not be subject to supervision and regulation by a municipal corporation under Chapter 743. of the Revised Code or by the public utilities commission under Chapters 4901. to 4909., 4933., 4935., and 4963. of the Revised Code, except sections 4905.10 and 4905.31, division (B) of section 4905.33, and sections 4905.35 and 4933.81 to 4933.90 ; except sections 4905.06, 4935.03, 4963.40, and 4963.41 of the Revised Code only to the extent related to service reliability and public safety; and except as otherwise provided in this chapter. The commission’s authority to enforce those excepted provisions with respect to a competitive retail electric service shall be such authority as is provided for their enforcement under Chapters 4901. to 4909., 4933., 4935., and 4963. of the Revised Code and this chapter. Nothing in this division shall be construed to limit the commission’s authority under sections 4928.141 to 4928.144 of the Revised Code. On and after the starting date of competitive retail electric service, a competitive retail electric service supplied by an electric cooperative shall not be subject to supervision and regulation by the commission under Chapters 4901. to 4909., 4933., 4935., and 4963. of the Revised Code, except as otherwise expressly provided in sections 4928.01 to 4928.10 and 4928.16 of the Revised Code.
(2) On and after the starting date of competitive retail electric service, a noncompetitive retail electric service supplied by an electric utility shall be subject to supervision and regulation by the commission under Chapters 4901. to 4909., 4933., 4935., and 4963. of the Revised Code and this chapter, to the extent that authority is not preempted by federal law. The commission’s authority to enforce those provisions with respect to a noncompetitive retail electric service shall be the authority provided under those chapters and this chapter, to the extent the authority is not preempted by federal law. Notwithstanding Chapters 4905. and 4909. of the Revised Code, commission authority under this chapter shall include the authority to provide for the recovery, through a reconcilable rider on an electric distribution utility’s distribution rates, of all transmission and transmission-related costs, including ancillary and congestion costs, imposed on or charged to the utility by the federal energy regulatory commission or a regional transmission organization, independent transmission operator, or similar organization approved by the federal energy regulatory commission. The commission shall exercise its jurisdiction with respect to the delivery of electricity by an electric utility in this state on or after the starting date of competitive retail electric service so as to ensure that no aspect of the delivery of electricity by the utility to consumers in this state that consists of a noncompetitive retail electric service is unregulated. On and after that starting date, a noncompetitive retail electric service supplied by an electric cooperative shall not be subject to supervision and regulation by the commission under Chapters 4901. to 4909., 4933., 4935., and 4963. of the Revised Code, except sections 4933.81 to 4933.90 and 4935.03 of the Revised Code. The commission’s authority to enforce those excepted sections with respect to a noncompetitive retail electric service of an electric cooperative shall be such authority as is provided for their enforcement under Chapters 4933. and 4935. of the Revised Code.
(B) Nothing in this chapter affects the authority of the commission under Title XLIX of the Revised Code to regulate an electric light company in this state or an electric service supplied in this state prior to the starting date of competitive retail electric service.
Effective Date: 10-05-1999; 2008 SB221 07-31-2008