(A) If, by the consumers’ counsel’s own inquiries or as a result of complaints, the consumers’ counsel has reasonable grounds to believe that a natural gas company is engaging in an act or practice giving rise to a ground for complaint under section 4905.26 of the Revised Code, the consumers’ counsel may investigate. Prior to commencing an investigation, the consumers’ counsel shall notify the natural gas company in writing of the information that the consumers’ counsel will seek by the authority granted by this section. If the natural gas company fails to provide the information requested within twenty days after the date of receipt of notice from the consumers’ counsel, the consumers’ counsel may administer oaths, subpoena witnesses, adduce evidence, and require the production of relevant matter.
(B) Within ten days after the date a subpoena has been served pursuant to division (A) of this section, an application to extend the return day, or modify or quash the subpoena, stating good cause, may be filed with the public utilities commission. The commission shall rule on the application within ten days after the date of its filing.
(C) A person subpoenaed under this section shall comply with the terms of the subpoena, unless, as provided under division (B) of this section, the parties agree to modify the terms of the subpoena or unless the commission has modified or quashed the subpoena, extended the return day of the subpoena, or issued any other order with respect to the subpoena prior to its return day.
(D) If a person fails without lawful excuse to obey a subpoena or to produce relevant matter under this section, the consumers’ counsel may file an application with the commission for an order compelling compliance. The commission shall rule on the application within ten days after the date of its filing.
Effective Date: 09-17-1996