(A) A board of county commissioners or the legislative authority of any municipal corporation in the county that contains at least thirty per cent of the county’s population may adopt a resolution to convene a 9-1-1 planning committee, which shall serve without compensation and shall consist of three voting members as follows:
(1) The president or other presiding officer of the board of county commissioners, who shall serve as chairman of the committee;
(2) The chief executive officer of the most populous municipal corporation in the county;
(3) From the more populous of the following, either the chief executive officer of the second most populous municipal corporation in the county or a member of the board of township trustees of the most populous township in the county as selected by majority vote of the board of trustees. In counties with a population of one hundred seventy-five thousand or more, the planning committee shall consist of two additional voting members as follows: a member of a board of township trustees selected by the majority of boards of township trustees in the county pursuant to resolutions they adopt, and the chief executive officer of a municipal corporation in the county selected by the majority of the legislative authorities of municipal corporations in the county pursuant to resolutions they adopt. When determining population under this division, population residing outside the county shall be excluded.
(B) Within thirty days after the adoption of a resolution to convene the committee under division (A) of this section, the committee shall convene for the sole purpose of developing a final plan for implementing a countywide 9-1-1 system. The county shall provide the committee with any clerical, legal, and other staff assistance necessary to develop the final plan and shall pay for copying, mailing, and any other such expenses incurred by the committee in developing the final plan and in meeting the requirements imposed by sections 4931.42 to 4931.44 of the Revised Code.
(C) The 9-1-1 planning committee shall appoint a 9-1-1 technical advisory committee to assist it in planning the countywide 9-1-1 system. The advisory committee shall include at least one fire chief and one police chief serving in the county, the county sheriff, a representative of the state highway patrol selected by the patrol, one representative of each telephone company in each case selected by the telephone company represented, the director/coordinator of emergency management appointed under section 5502.26, 5502.27, or 5502.271 of the Revised Code, as appropriate, and a member of a board of township trustees of a township in the county selected by a majority of boards of township trustees in the county pursuant to resolutions they adopt.
Effective Date: 10-29-1995