(A) An amended final plan is required for any of the following purposes:
(1) Expanding the territory included in the countywide 9-1-1 system;
(2) Upgrading any part or all of a system from basic to enhanced wireline 9-1-1;
(3) Adjusting the territory served by a public safety answering point;
(4) Represcribing the funding of public safety answering points as between the alternatives set forth in division (B)(5) of section 4931.43 of the Revised Code;
(5) Providing for wireless enhanced 9-1-1;
(6) Adding a telephone company as a participant in a countywide 9-1-1 system after the implementation of wireline 9-1-1 or wireless enhanced 9-1-1;
(7) Providing that the state highway patrol or one or more public safety answering points of another 9-1-1 system function as a public safety answering point or points for the provision of wireline or wireless 9-1-1 for all or part of the territory of the system established under the final plan, as contemplated under division (J) of section 4931.41 of the Revised Code;
(8) Making any other necessary adjustments to the plan.
(B) Except as otherwise provided in division (C) of this section, a final plan shall be amended in the manner provided for adopting a final plan under sections 4931.42 to 4931.44 of the Revised Code, including convening a 9-1-1 planning committee and developing a proposed amended plan prior to adopting an amended final plan.
(C)(1) To amend a final plan for the purpose described in division (A)(6) of this section , an entity that wishes to be added as a participant in a 9-1-1 system shall file a written letter of that intent with the board of county commissioners of the county that approved the final plan . The final plan is deemed amended upon the filing of that letter. The entity that files the letter shall send written notice of that filing to all subdivisions and telephone companies participating in the system.
(2) An amendment to a final plan for a purpose set forth in division (A)(1), (3), (5), or (8) of this section may be made by an addendum approved by a majority of the 9-1-1 planning committee. The board of county commissioners shall call a meeting of the 9-1-1 planning committee for the purpose of considering an addendum pursuant to this division.
(3) Adoption of any resolution under section 4931.51 of the Revised Code pursuant to a final plan that both has been adopted and provides for funding through charges imposed under that section is not an amendment of a final plan for the purpose of this division.
(D) When a final plan is amended for a purpose described in division (A)(1), (2), or (6) of this section, sections 4931.47 and 5733.55 of the Revised Code apply with respect to the receipt of the nonrecurring and recurring rates and charges for the wireline telephone network portion of the 9-1-1 system.
Effective Date: 12-31-2004; 05-06-2005; 04-14-2006