(A) There is hereby created the wireless 9-1-1 administrative fund in the state treasury. A sufficient percentage, determined by the chairperson of the public utilities commission but not to exceed two per cent , of the periodic remittances of the wireless 9-1-1 charge under section 4931.62 of the Revised Code shall be deposited to the credit of the fund, to be used by the commission to cover such nonpayroll costs and, at the discretion of the commission such payroll costs, of the commission as are incurred in assisting the coordinator in carrying out sections 4931.60 to 4931.70 of the Revised Code and in conducting audits under division (C) of section 4931.62 of the Revised Code. In addition, the compensation of the Ohio 9-1-1 coordinator, and any expenses of the coordinator in carrying out those sections, shall be paid from the fund.
(B) There is hereby created the wireless 9-1-1 government assistance fund, which shall be in the custody of the treasurer of state but shall not be part of the state treasury. The periodic remittances of the wireless 9-1-1 charge remaining after the deposit required by division (A) of this section shall be deposited to the credit of the wireless 9-1-1 government assistance fund. The treasurer of state shall deposit or invest the moneys in this fund in accordance with Chapter 135. of the Revised Code and any other provision of law governing public moneys of the state as defined in section 135.01 of the Revised Code. The treasurer of state shall credit the interest earned to the fund. The treasurer of state shall disburse money from the fund solely upon order of the coordinator as authorized under section 4931.64 of the Revised Code. Annually, until the fund is depleted, the treasurer of state shall certify to the coordinator the amount of moneys in the treasurer of state’s custody belonging to the fund.
Effective Date: 05-06-2005; 2008 SB129 12-30-2008