The president of each railroad company which participates in the incorporation of a union terminal company as provided in sections 4953.01 to 4953.12, inclusive, of the Revised Code, shall, ex officio, be a director in the union terminal company, unless the board of directors of any such railroad company appoints some other person as director. When such union terminal company is organized by not less than five persons, its board of directors shall be elected by its stockholders. All questions which affect the pecuniary liabilities and expenditures, the election of officers, and the appointment of agents and employees, shall be regulated by the bylaws, rules, and regulations of such companies. Such bylaws, rules, and regulations shall not be inconsistent with the charter of the company and the general laws of the state. The board of directors of the union terminal company shall keep a record of its proceedings which record shall be open to the inspection of the stockholders.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953