When it is declared necessary by two thirds of the members of the legislative authority of the municipal corporation and the mayor approving, any municipal corporation may grant the right, by ordinance, to a railroad company operating a railroad in such municipal corporation to place and maintain necessary piers, or other stays or supports, in any street or way, when they are provided for and included in the plans and specifications prepared for the abolishment of grade crossings in such municipal corporation under sections 4957.10 to 4957.26 of the Revised Code. Every railroad to whom a grant has been made by any municipal corporation shall notify in writing the authorities making the grant of its rejection or acceptance of the grant at a time fixed by such authorities when making the grant. After such grant has been made and accepted by a railroad, if within sixty days after such acceptance there is filed with the mayor of the municipal corporation making such grant a petition protesting against it signed by such a number of the electors of the municipal corporation qualified to vote at the most recent general election as equals ten per cent of the number of votes cast for mayor at the most recent election for mayor, he shall certify that fact to the proper election officials.
Effective Date: 08-22-1995