Companies operating a railroad in this state shall build and keep in repair good and sufficient crossings over or approaches to such railroad, its tracks, sidetracks, and switches, at all points where any public highway, street, lane, avenue, alley, road, or pike is intersected by such railroad, its tracks, sidetracks, or switches. Such companies shall build and keep in repair good and sufficient sidewalks on both sides of streets intersected by their railroads, the full width of the right of way owned, claimed, or occupied by them. The board of township trustees shall have power to fix and determine the kind and extent, and the time and manner of constructing, crossings and approaches outside of municipal corporations. The legislative authority of a municipal corporation may exercise the same powers as to crossings, approaches, and sidewalks within municipal corporations as such board exercises concerning crossings and approaches outside of municipal corporations. Such crossings, approaches, and sidewalks shall be constructed, repaired, and maintained by the railroad companies as so ordered.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953