If the legislative authority of a municipal corporation in which a railroad and a street or other public highway cross each other at a grade or otherwise, or the board of county commissioners of a county in which a railroad and a public road or highway cross each other at grade, and the board of directors of the railroad company are of the opinion that the security and convenience of the public require alterations in such crossing, the approaches to such crossing, the location of the railroad or public way, or the grades thereof, so as to avoid a crossing at grade, or that such crossing should be discontinued with or without building a new way in substitution for it, and if they agree as to the alterations they may be made as provided in sections 4957.02 to 4957.09, inclusive, of the Revised Code. The board of county commissioners of a county has the same powers with respect to that part of a state, county, or township road which lies within the limits of a municipal corporation as are conferred upon municipal corporations to alter, or require to be altered, any railroad crossings, or to require any improvement in connection with them to be made, and to apportion the cost thereof between the county and such railroad as is provided in sections 4957.10 to 4957.26, inclusive, of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953