The cost of constructing a crossing improvement authorized, including the making of ways, crossings, or viaducts, above or below the railroad tracks, and the raising or lowering of the grades of the railroad tracks and sidetracks for such distance as is required by such municipal corporation and made necessary by such improvement, together with the cost of land or property purchased or appropriated, and damages to owners of abutting or other property, shall be borne, unless otherwise agreed upon, eighty-five per cent by the municipal corporation and fifteen per cent by such railroad company. The municipal corporation shall have a right of action against any such company for the recovery of fifteen per cent or other agreed proportion of such costs payable by it, with interest from the time they become due. Such municipal corporation and company may agree as to what part of the work shall be done by the company, and may fix the amount, or agree upon a method or basis for calculating and ascertaining the amount, to be allowed or credited to the company for doing the work. Such company shall be entitled to deduct from its fifteen per cent or other agreed proportion of the cost of the improvement, the expense incurred by it in the change of its grade required by the municipal corporation or made necessary by it under such specifications, but only if the amount of expense, or a method or basis for calculating it, has been agreed upon in writing between the municipal corporation and the company. If the amount of work done by the company, or made necessary by reason of such change of grade on lowering or raising its tracks, exceeds fifteen per cent or other agreed proportion of the cost of the improvement, then it shall have the right to recover the amount with interest in excess of fifteen per cent or other agreed proportion of the expenses, in an action at law against the municipal corporation.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953