In case the track of any street railway company within the limits of a municipal corporation where the improvements authorized by sections 4957.10 to 4957.24, inclusive, of the Revised Code are made, crosses at grade or otherwise a public street or the right of way of any railroad company at a point where it has been determined to construct such improvements, the municipal corporation by ordinance may require such street railway company to bear a reasonable proportion of the cost assumed by it in making the improvement, not exceeding one half of the portion payable by the municipal corporation, which shall have a right of action against such street railway company for that part of the cost which the ordinance requires it to bear. Such part of the cost is also a lien upon all the property, real and personal, of such company situated in the same county with the municipal corporation after the date of the passage of such ordinance. The legislative authority of such municipal corporation may by ordinance provide the mode and time of payment for the proportion of the cost of such improvement to be borne by such street railway company.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953