In case of the rebuilding of bridges or the other structures provided for in section 4957.35 of the Revised Code, if the structure is at or in line with a public street or highway and a cross street, the cost of making such streets or highways conform to a new grade, with all damages to owners of property abutting on them because of such change, the railroad company or its assigns shall pay all costs or damages resulting from the raising or building of its bridges or structures in the line of a street or highway at a greater height than was previously required. If such company is only part owner of such structure, it shall pay its proportionate share of the cost of such change in grade and damages. Should a railroad company or its assigns raise the grade of its track under any of such structures not owned by it, thereby causing a bridge or structure to be put at a higher grade when rebuilt, the company shall pay all costs and damages thereby made necessary.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953