On proof of the publication of the notice required by section 4969.13 of the Revised Code, and being satisfied that a sale is necessary to pay the indebtedness of the company, the court shall order the sale of such railroad, roadbed, rights of way, property, and franchises, on such terms of payment as it deems proper, and issue its order to the receiver commanding that he cause them to be appraised by commissioners, selected by the court, skilled in the construction and value of such roadbeds as they may be called upon to appraise, having the qualifications of a freeholder, not less than three in number, and consisting of at least one from each county in which any part of the roadbed is situated. Such proceedings shall be had under the order as are provided in sales of real estate made by judicial order in other cases, so far as they are applicable.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953