The board of township trustees of any township may, by resolution, enter into a contract, without advertising or bidding, for the purchase or sale of materials, equipment, or supplies from or to any department, agency, or political subdivision of the state, for the purchase of services with a soil and water conservation district established under Chapter 1515. of the Revised Code, or for the purchase of supplies, services, materials, and equipment with a regional planning commission pursuant to division (D) of section 713.23 of the Revised Code. The resolution shall:
(A) Set forth the maximum amount to be paid as the purchase price for the materials, equipment, supplies, or services;
(B) Describe the type of materials, equipment, supplies, or services that are to be purchased;
(C) Appropriate sufficient funds to pay the purchase price for the materials, equipment, supplies, or services, except that no such appropriation is necessary if funds have been previously appropriated for the purpose and remain unencumbered at the time the resolution is adopted.
Effective Date: 04-13-1990; 04-15-2005