(A) Except in a township or portion of a township that is within the limits of a municipal corporation, the board of township trustees may make regulations and orders as are necessary to control passenger car, motorcycle, and internal combustion engine noise, as permitted under section 4513.221 of the Revised Code, and all vehicle parking in the township. This authorization includes, among other powers, the power to regulate parking on established roadways proximate to buildings on private property as necessary to provide access to the property by public safety vehicles and equipment, if the property is used for commercial purposes, the public is permitted to use the parking area, and accommodation for more than ten motor vehicles is provided, and the power to authorize the issuance of orders limiting or prohibiting parking on any township street or highway during a snow emergency declared pursuant to a snow-emergency authorization adopted under this division. All such regulations and orders shall be subject to the limitations, restrictions, and exceptions in sections 4511.01 to 4511.76 and 4513.02 to 4513.37 of the Revised Code.
A board of township trustees may adopt a general snow-emergency authorization, which becomes effective under division (B)(1) of this section, allowing the president of the board or some other person specified in the authorization to issue an order declaring a snow emergency and limiting or prohibiting parking on any township street or highway during the snow emergency. Any such order becomes effective under division (B)(2) of this section. Each general snow-emergency authorization adopted under this division shall specify the weather conditions under which a snow emergency may be declared in that township.
(B)(1) All regulations and orders, including any snow-emergency authorization established by the board under this section, except for an order declaring a snow emergency as provided in division (B)(2) of this section, shall be posted by the township fiscal officer in five conspicuous public places in the township for thirty days before becoming effective, and shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the township for three consecutive weeks. In addition to these requirements, no general snow-emergency authorization shall become effective until permanent signs giving notice that parking is limited or prohibited during a snow emergency are properly posted, in accordance with any applicable standards adopted by the department of transportation, along streets or highways specified in the authorization.
(2) Pursuant to the adoption of a snow-emergency authorization under this section, an order declaring a snow emergency becomes effective two hours after the president of the board or the other person specified in the general snow-emergency authorization makes an announcement of a snow emergency to the local news media. The president or other specified person shall request the local news media to announce that a snow emergency has been declared, the time the declaration will go into effect, and whether the snow emergency will remain in effect for a specified period of time or indefinitely until canceled by a subsequent announcement to the local news media by the president or other specified person.
(C) Such regulations and orders may be enforced where traffic control devices conforming to section 4511.09 of the Revised Code are prominently displayed. Parking regulations authorized by this section do not apply to any state highway unless the parking regulations are approved by the director of transportation.
(D) A board of township trustees or its designated agent may order into storage any vehicle parked in violation of a township parking regulation or order, if the violation is not one that is required to be handled pursuant to Chapter 4521. of the Revised Code. The owner or any lienholder of a vehicle ordered into storage may claim the vehicle upon presentation of proof of ownership, which may be evidenced by a certificate of title to the vehicle, and payment of all expenses, charges, and fines incurred as a result of the parking violation and removal and storage of the vehicle.
(E) Whoever violates any regulation or order adopted pursuant to this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor, unless the township has enacted a regulation pursuant to division (A) of section 4521.02 of the Revised Code, that specifies that the violation shall not be considered a criminal offense and shall be handled pursuant to Chapter 4521. of the Revised Code. Fines levied and collected under this section shall be paid into the township general revenue fund.
Effective Date: 06-20-1988; 12-20-2005