(A) Except as otherwise provided in division (D) of this section, the township fiscal officer shall be entitled to compensation as follows:
(1) In townships having a budget of fifty thousand dollars or less, three thousand five hundred dollars;
(2) In townships having a budget of more than fifty thousand but not more than one hundred thousand dollars, five thousand five hundred dollars;
(3) In townships having a budget of more than one hundred thousand but not more than two hundred fifty thousand dollars, seven thousand seven hundred dollars;
(4) In townships having a budget of more than two hundred fifty thousand but not more than five hundred thousand dollars, nine thousand nine hundred dollars;
(5) In townships having a budget of more than five hundred thousand but not more than seven hundred fifty thousand dollars, eleven thousand dollars;
(6) In townships having a budget of more than seven hundred fifty thousand but not more than one million five hundred thousand dollars, thirteen thousand two hundred dollars;
(7) In townships having a budget of more than one million five hundred thousand but not more than three million five hundred thousand dollars, fifteen thousand four hundred dollars;
(8) In townships having a budget of more than three million five hundred thousand dollars but not more than six million dollars, sixteen thousand five hundred dollars;
(9) In townships having a budget of more than six million dollars, seventeen thousand six hundred dollars.
(B) Any township fiscal officer may elect to receive less than the compensation the fiscal officer is entitled to under division (A) of this section. Any township fiscal officer electing to do this shall so notify the board of township trustees in writing, and the board shall include this notice in the minutes of its next board meeting.
(C) The compensation of the township fiscal officer shall be paid in equal monthly payments. If the office of township fiscal officer is held by more than one person during any calendar year, each person holding the office shall receive payments for only those months, and any fractions of those months, during which the person holds the office.
(D) Beginning in calendar year 1999, the township fiscal officer shall be entitled to compensation as follows:
(1) In calendar year 1999, the compensation specified in division (A) of this section increased by three per cent;
(2) In calendar year 2000, the compensation determined under division (D)(1) of this section increased by three per cent;
(3) In calendar year 2001, the compensation determined under division (D)(2) of this section increased by three per cent;
(4) In calendar year 2002, except in townships having a budget of more than six million dollars, the compensation determined under division (D)(3) of this section increased by three per cent; in townships having a budget of more than six million but not more than ten million dollars, nineteen thousand eight hundred ten dollars; and in townships having a budget of more than ten million dollars, twenty thousand nine hundred dollars;
(5) In calendar year 2003, the compensation determined under division (D)(4) of this section increased by three per cent or the percentage increase in the consumer price index as described in division (D)(7)(b) of this section, whichever percentage is lower;
(6) In calendar year 2004, except in townships having a budget of more than six million dollars, the compensation determined under division (D)(5) of this section for the calendar year 2003 increased by three per cent or the percentage increase in the consumer price index as described in division (D)(7)(b) of this section, whichever percentage is lower; in townships having a budget of more than six million but not more than ten million dollars, twenty-two thousand eighty-seven dollars; and in townships having a budget of more than ten million dollars, twenty-five thousand five hundred fifty-three dollars;
(7) In calendar years 2005 through 2008, the compensation determined under division (D) of this section for the immediately preceding calendar year increased by the lesser of the following:
(a) Three per cent;
(b) The percentage increase, if any, in the consumer price index over the twelve-month period that ends on the thirtieth day of September of the immediately preceding calendar year, rounded to the nearest one-tenth of one per cent;
(8) In calendar year 2009 and thereafter, the amount determined under division (D) of this section for calendar year 2008.
As used in this division, “consumer price index” has the same meaning as in section 325.18 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 09-26-2003; 12-20-2005