The board of township trustees may appoint such superintendents, architects, clerks, laborers, and other employees as are necessary and fix their compensation. Any person so appointed may be removed by a majority of the members of such board at any time.
Any township employee working on a salary or hourly basis is entitled to eight hours of holiday pay for New Year’s day, Martin Luther King day, Washington-Lincoln day, Memorial day, Independence day, Labor day, Columbus day, Veterans’ day, Thanksgiving day, and Christmas day, of each year, provided that the employee is a regular employee with at least six months full-time township service prior to the month when such holiday occurs. Holidays shall occur on the days specified in section 1.14 of the Revised Code.
The board of township trustees may purchase or lease uniforms for laborers or other employees engaged in the maintenance of township property.
Effective Date: 08-06-1976