In paying any expenses of park management and of improvements authorized by section 511.32 of the Revised Code, the board of township trustees may appropriate and use for these purposes any funds in the township treasury then unappropriated for any other purpose. If there are no available funds in the treasury or an insufficient amount to pay for the desired park management and improvements in any year, the board may levy a tax in order to pay for the park management and improvements. The tax shall be levied upon all of the taxable property in the township and shall be certified, levied, and collected in the manner prescribed for the certification, levy, and collection of other township taxes. The money so raised shall be paid over to the township fiscal officer, and the fiscal officer shall pay the money out on the order of the board. If a sum greater than two thousand dollars is to be expended by the board for park management and improvement purposes in any one year, and the sum is not available from any unappropriated money in the township treasury, the question of levying the additional tax shall, before making a levy that will amount to more than two thousand dollars, be submitted to and approved by a majority of the electors of the township voting on the question. If the election is necessary, it shall be called at a regular meeting of the board, and the resolution shall be certified to the board of elections not later than four p.m. of the ninetieth day before the day of the election.
Twenty days’ notice of the election shall be given by the posting of notices of the election by the township fiscal officer in ten public places in the township, and provisions for holding the election shall be made by the board of elections upon receiving notice of the date and purpose of the election from the fiscal officer. This section and section 511.32 of the Revised Code do not repeal, affect, or modify any law relating to park commissioners, or prevent the appointment of park commissioners in the future.
Amended by 128th General Assembly File No. 29, HB 48, § 1, eff. 7/2/2010.
Effective Date: 03-23-1981; 12-20-2005