In townships composed of islands, and on one of which islands lands have been conveyed in trust for the benefit of the inhabitants of the island for use as a park, and a board of park trustees has been provided for the control of the park, the board of township trustees may create a tax district of the island to raise funds by taxation as provided under divisions (A) and (B) of this section.
(A) For the care and maintenance of parks on the island, the board of township trustees annually may levy a tax, not to exceed one mill, upon all the taxable property in the district. The tax shall be in addition to all other levies authorized by law, and subject to no limitation on tax rates except as provided in this division.
The proceeds of the tax levy shall be expended by the board of township trustees for the purpose of the care and maintenance of the parks, and shall be paid out of the township treasury upon the orders of the board of park trustees.
(B) For the purpose of acquiring additional land for use as a park, the board of township trustees may levy a tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation on all taxable property in the district. The tax shall be proposed by resolution adopted by two-thirds of the members of the board of township trustees. The resolution shall specify the purpose and rate of the tax and the number of years the tax will be levied, which shall not exceed five years, and which may include a levy on the current tax list and duplicate. The resolution shall go into immediate effect upon its passage, and no publication of the resolution is necessary other than that provided for in the notice of election. The board of township trustees shall certify a copy of the resolution to the proper board of elections not later than ninety days before the primary or general election in the township, and the board of elections shall submit the question of the tax to the voters of the district at the succeeding primary or general election. The board of elections shall make the necessary arrangements for the submission of the question to the electors of the district, and the election shall be conducted, canvassed, and certified in the same manner as regular elections in the township for the election of officers. Notice of the election shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the township once a week for two consecutive weeks prior to the election and, if the board of elections operates and maintains a web site, notice of the election also shall be posted on that web site for thirty days prior to the election. The notice shall state the purpose of the tax, the proposed rate of the tax expressed in dollars and cents for each one hundred dollars of valuation and mills for each one dollar of valuation, the number of years the tax will be in effect, the first year the tax will be levied, and the time and place of the election.
The form of the ballots cast at an election held under this division shall be as follows:
“An additional tax for the benefit of …...... (name of the township) for the purpose of acquiring additional park land at a rate of …...... mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to …..... (rate expressed in dollars and cents) for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for …...... (number of years the levy is to run) beginning in …........ (first year the tax will be levied).
The question shall be submitted as a separate proposition but may be printed on the same ballot with any other proposition submitted at the same election other than the election of officers. More than one such question may be submitted at the same election.
If the levy is approved by a majority of electors voting on the question, the board of elections shall certify the result of the election to the tax commissioner. In the first year of the levy, the tax shall be extended on the tax lists after the February settlement following the election. If the tax is to be placed on the tax lists of the current year as specified in the resolution, the board of elections shall certify the result of the election immediately after the canvass to the board of township trustees, which shall forthwith make the necessary levy and certify the levy to the county auditor, who shall extend the levy on the tax lists for collection. After the first year of the levy, the levy shall be included in the annual tax budget that is certified to the county budget commission.
Amended by 128th General Assembly File No. 29, HB 48, § 1, eff. 7/2/2010.
Effective Date: 06-01-1998; 06-01-2006