The board of township trustees of any township proceeding under sections 519.01 to 519.99 of the Revised Code, shall create and establish a township zoning commission. The commission shall be composed of five members who reside in the unincorporated area of the township, to be appointed by the board. The board of township trustees may appoint two alternate members to the township zoning commission, for terms to be determined by the board of township trustees. An alternate member shall take the place of an absent regular member at any meeting of the township zoning commission, according to procedures prescribed by resolution by the board of township trustees. An alternate member shall meet the same appointment criteria as a regular member. When attending a meeting on behalf of an absent member, the alternate member may vote on any matter on which the absent member is authorized to vote. The terms of the regular members shall be of such length and so arranged that the term of one member will expire each year. Where there is a county or regional planning commission the board may appoint qualified members of such commission to serve on the township zoning commission. Each regular or alternate member shall serve until the member’s successor is appointed and qualified. Members of the zoning commission shall be removable for nonperformance of duty, misconduct in office, or other cause by the board, upon written charges being filed with the board, after a public hearing has been held regarding such charges, and after a copy of the charges has been served upon the member so charged at least ten days prior to the hearing, either personally, by registered mail, or by leaving such copy at the member’s usual place of residence. The member shall be given an opportunity to be heard and answer such charges. Vacancies shall be filled by the board and shall be for the unexpired term.
Effective Date: 07-22-1998